Dear Patron,
The year 1967 won the special significance to the Kannada Sangha , As part of the literacy campaign, the sangha felt the need to start a school for the benefit for the aynavaram children, 10 kilometers away from Chennai city. As it lacked even minimum educational needs and the children had to commute to neighbouring places for the purpose of education.They named the school as "kannada Sangha School ". Thus Kannada Sangha School, the Brainchild of the Kannada Sangha came into being in the year 1967. The sangha felt the urgency of imparting education to children and making them self-reliant was a much needed task, as this under privileged section of the society was not so fortunate as their city counter-parts.

The school which started with 23 students Initially,now caters to the educational needs of the children in both Aynavaram and surrounding places. Over the years the school has grown in strength and is imparting quality education to nearly 1200 children ranging from nursery to matriculation. It is recognised by the Government of Tamil Nadu since 1981,and is affiliated to Secondary Board of Education, Education Department, Tamil Nadu. Tamil medium classes are held and students have been faring well in the SSLC Public examinations year on year During 1992-93 the school has been upgraded into a high school. It has been making steady progress both in curriculum and extra curricular activities.

The school is totally unaided. The classes were originally conducted in a rented asbestos roofed building in 1967 in No. 1 Porteous Road,Aynavaram with the Kinder Garden section. Thanks to donors, Now it owns its own new building.

Devoid of any government grants the school is mainly sustained by a non-government agencies and public support. Donations by the well wishers and protagonists of education are resources for the entire management. In view of the magnitude and the growing strength of the school, resources are to be augmented further.

Our Services

Apart from the tuition provided, the children are also provided with a fully fledged laboratory for Physics, Chemistry & Biology experiments, Library. It is also equipped with a Computer Lab with ample computers for hands on training. Once a year free medical checkup by qualified doctors is arranged for the children of the school. The students who join our school are mostly from economically backward classes, children of vegetable vendors, fisherman’s children, daily wage earners children. Here children belong to different Religion, Caste and Creed.

It has been our earnest desire to serve this vulnerable section of the society by providing them with optimum facilities through public support.

We intend to generate a corpus fund, based on donations from well-wishers, philanthropists & our Alumni student’s wing. The interest earned there on will be utilised to manage | run the school | meeting salaries | cost of books | furniture equipments | lab facilities | uniforms | maintenance | property tax etc. At this juncture we would like to emphasize upon this fact. Since its inception, the entire burden of running and managing the school has fallen on the sangha. We have no resources to fall back upon other than the contributions from the generous philanthropists and few NGO's like Rotary, Lions club and many charitable Trusts But these contributions are not on a regular basis. We have to identify new sources of avenues every year with the commencement of the academic year.

Our expenses towards the schools include the following items

  1. Salary of the staff; we have a full fledged staff with Principal, Assistant Head Mistress, P.T Teacher and operational staff, totally numbering 42.
  2. Administrative expenses that include stationary and other expenses.
  3. Free uniforms for few unaffordable children.
  4. Supply of Notebooks, Textbooks and other essentials to few poor children.
  5. Maintenance and repairs of furniture items at the beginning of the academic year.

In view of the growing strength of the school, the administrative and salary expenses of the schools are mounting up. To find new avenues to cope up with the mounting expenses has been extremely difficult at times, we do not receive any grants-in-aid from the secondary board of education.


We are doing our best to bring these rural children into the mainstream of life by providing them with adequate facilities and quality education.

Besides general curriculum, we are coaching them in basic computers also. We have a special computer room meant for this purpose. A trained teacher imparts the basic education in computer programming for our children.

In the Board examination(S.S.L.C) conducted by the Secondary board education, our children have come out with flying colours.


Free coaching classes for students appearing for the S.S.L.C examination will be conducted every year for three months, Special coaching will not only be given to our students but to the children from the neighbouring schools also, This has naturally resulted in the boosting of the percentage of passes in the Board examination. In view of the rural background of the parents who are illiterate, our children are not very much conversant in English. Short term English speaking course is on our agenda. We intend to start Vocational courses in the community to enable our children to stand on their own legs after matriculation, if they are not very keen to pursue further studies.

Our school is well equipped with very good laboratory facilities.

Over the years, we have noticed a positive change in the attitude of the people towards education. They are sending their children voluntarily to study in the school, even though we still do door to door campaign at the commencement of the academic year. We are doing our best to create the awareness about the importance of girl child's education, through community involvement. It is also heartening to note that there are no drop-outs in our school.

The new school building was inaugurated in June 1992. However we are yet to renovate the existing school premises including providing for a indoor play-ground facility. Plans have been drawn out and necessary sanctions are being sought, the outlay will be around Rs 1.80 Cr.

The cost incurred by the trust to meet the entire educational expenses of one child for the whole year is Rs: 4500/- Hence we plan to launch "Sponsorship Scheme" whereas the sponsor's would have to adopt a child by contributing the above said amount. Donations are accepted in any form, can be either in cash or Cheque drawn in favour of Kannada Sangha Aynavaram. All donations are exempt from Income tax under the section 80G of Income tax act.

Our need-based projects have reached out effectively at least to a small section of women and children. What little success we have achieved in this area definitely goes to you all, without whose moral and financial supports our dream would not have materialised.

Our Mission

We have miles to go ahead in the years to come. We seek the same support, good wishes, not to mention the financial support from you all in future also. Every time when we were in a crisis, providence in the form of an unknown helping hand has come to our aid. We have nothing to offer other than our sheer determination and will to serve society in some way or the other. Children's academic progress is our reward. The Sangha is also exploring the possibility of further strengthening the existing infrastructure of the school to provide still better facilities to the children. We appeal to the Philanthropic public to come forward and share our concern.

Dr. Abdul Kalam had said “'Dream is not that which you see while sleeping it is something that does not let you sleep.' We have dreamt of taking the school to the next level and equipping it in every way for the next generations also continue to take its fruits. The plan of action for refurburishing the school is attached for your reference.

We humbly place before you these credentials of our school, we are sure you will appreciate our endeavour to serve the purpose and fulfill the need of the society at large. We would be gladdened by your donations towards the cost of the construction where you can avail the 80G benefits for the contributions made. We welcome in commemorating in the name of your parents or your near and dear ones memory whatever you contribute.

Your donations will help us to fructify our dream and ensure that today’s buds (students) will blossom well to be great citizens of this great nation.

In our website we have Registration facility to communicate with donors and Alumni. We are also planning to mobilize funds from our former students abroad thro fund raising campaigns like “Half a dollar a day for a year will help us educate much of our children in the ensuing year.”

We feel proud to be at this time of the development stage of this august school and be part of the progressive growth which we foresee along with you all.

Look forward to your participating in this rare opportunity of renovation process by your generous contribution.

Thanking you,


Encl: An Elevation/plan of action for the renovation of the school.
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3, 3rd Main Road, United India Nagar, Ayanavaram, Chennai - 600 023,

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